August 04, 2021 1 min read 0 Comments

Honored to have celebrated these amazing empowered women of Positive Women United at our Summer Pop Up Expo this past Saturday. CEO Hope Knight, Deputy Queens Borough President Rhonda Binda, NYC Community Board District Manager Yvonne Reddick, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - thank you for the support you have given the organization. You are all truly female empowered individuals! Once again, thank you!


#positivewomenunited #femaleempoweredhonorees #nyc #pwusummerpopup #summer #popup #expo #honorees #honoreecelebration #celebration #women #thankyou #support #newyork #newyorkcity #grateful #thankful #queensnewyork #thankyouforyoursupport #femaleempowered #yvonnereddick #alexandriaocasiocortez #congresswomanalexandriaocasiocortez #deputyqueensboroughpresidentrhondabinda #womenempowerment #nycdistrictmanageryvonnereddick #ceogjdchopeknight #hopeknight
